Tuesday, July 13, 2010

微軟延長 Windows XP 壽命 10 年


僅管微軟不斷向大家推廣Windows 7,市場上對 Windows 7 的反應也不錯,但還是有 74% 的高務電腦正在使用 Windows XP。大概是逼於無奈,微軟決定將 Windows XP 的壽命延長 10 年。也就是說,到 2020 年,商務用家還是可以考慮將 Windows 7 操作系統降級為 Windows XP。

微軟副總裁 Tami Reller 表示,儘管 Windows 7 在市場上非常不錯的反應,不少大型企業也正在部署更換新的採用 Windows 7 操作系統的電腦,但仍有 74% 的企業在使用 Windows XP 操作系統,而這些電腦的平均年齡更是長達 4.4 年。

原來微軟計劃在 Windows 7 推出後 6 個月就完全停止 XP 的降級權限,不過這個降級權先是被延後到 Windows 7 發表後的 18 個月內,而這次更是直接延長到 2020 年。Windows XP 果然還是微軟的「鎮山之寶」。

未來買電腦時,只要是 OEM 版的 Windows 7,企業還是可以自行將 Windows 7 降級為 Windows XP。在 2010 年 10 月22 日後,電腦廠商將停止 Windows 7 降級為 Windows XP 的服務,用家需要自行降級。而在 2010 年 10 月 22 日之後停止在 Netbook 上搭載 Windows XP 的規定就維持不變。預載 Windows Vista 的電腦在 2011 年 10 月 22 日後就不會再販售。

Thursday, July 8, 2010

iPhone 4 天線接收問題將獲得解決


iPhone 4 的「瘋」潮絕不簡單,根據 Apple 官方網站指出,iPhone 開賣的三日內,銷量就突破了 170 萬支。一些研究所更大膽預測,2010 年第三季開始,iPhone 每季的總心貨量都將突破 1,000 萬支。

不過現在大家最關注的還是 iPhone 4 的天線信號問題。蘋果也專門發表聲明,表示 iPhone 4 在特定方式持握時的確會出現信號下降的情況,但這種問題也普遍存在於其他品牌手機當中。蘋果表示將於近期推出軟件更新程式,修正有關問題。並承諾為 iPhone 4 用戶提供 30 天的退貨全額退款服務。

03241854 無干擾握法

03243382 「死亡」握法


Wednesday, July 7, 2010




現在英國的 Audi 最新推出了「視訊」服務,Audi 廠商現時在英國的每一間 Audi 維修中心為每一位維修技師裝配雙向的視訊系統,讓客戶可以全程「監控」愛車的維修過程。

美國現時還沒有引進相關的服務,對於愛車的人來說,當然會希望這項服務可以引入。不過在美國 Audi 引入相關服務前,相信還有不少問題需要克服。



New 'Direct Reception' System Gives Insight into the Mechanics of Audi
Jul 1, 2010

Pioneering new interactive audio visual system enables Audi customers to watch and communicate with Audi technicians as they work.

  • Audi Direct Reception system allowing customers to be more closely involved in work undertaken on their cars is currently being rolled out across Audi Centre network
  • Technician wears 'Audi Cam' which links to monitor in service reception, and communicates via two-way audio link
  • Aim is to maximise 'transparency' and instil even greater confidence by providing conclusive proof of problems in 'real time'
  • Fixed price servicing option now in place for A1 models
  • Fixed price for five key maintenance jobs for A3, A4, A6 and TT models in excess of 36 months old and up to 2.0-litres in capacity
    Candid cameras will soon be focused on all Audi Centre service areas as part of a new Direct Reception initiative being rolled out across the network that will enable Audi customers to view in 'real time', and communicate with, technicians as they carry out diagnosis and repair work.
    From the comfort of the Audi Centre reception area customers will have direct audio visual access to their cars as they are worked on by technicians equipped with 'Audi Cams' and two-way audio links. They will be free to talk to the technicians directly, and service advisors will be on hand to answer any questions that arise. The aim is to provide full exposure to the investigative and corrective work undertaken, maximising 'transparency' and instilling even greater confidence not only in the legitimacy of each diagnosis but also the quality of workmanship demonstrated by Audi trained technicians.
    Customer feedback from Direct Reception pilot schemes has been overwhelmingly positive, with all participants polled so far confirming that they would recommend the service to others.
    Commenting on the new initiative, Director of Audi UK Jeremy Hicks said: "Service departments throughout the industry are often accused of baffling customers with science - by offering ours full exposure to the work undertaken on their cars, and the ability to talk through that work with the technician involved, our aim is to demystify the process as fully as possible. We want to ensure that everyone who entrusts their Audi to us for servicing and repairs knows exactly where they stand and exactly what to expect."
    As well as offering a straightforward, substantiated prognosis on the condition of every car, Audi Centres can also provide the added reassurance of fixed price maintenance to owners of A3, A4, A6 and TT models that are over 36 months old and powered by engines of up to (and including) 2.0-litres in capacity. Seven of the tasks carried out most frequently to these cars are covered by a fixed, all-inclusive and highly competitive price that applies nationally.
    The tasks include major and minor services (£249 and £99 respectively), clutch replacement (front-wheel-drive £599, quattro £799), front and rear brake pad replacement (£99 front, £99 rear), front and rear pad and disc replacement (£229), front wiper blade replacement (£39), brake fluid change (£49) and cambelt replacement (£349).
    Fixed price service plan for A1 customers
    Buyers of the new Audi A1 premium compact hatchback can also specify an optional fixed price service plan which, for a one-off payment of just £250 (when the car is programmed to adhere to the long life service regime), will leave them safe in the knowledge that their servicing needs are covered financially for the first five years or 50,000 miles (whichever comes first).
    All scheduled servicing, including brake fluid changes, is taken care of over this period, and any labour and parts (excluding items subject to wear and tear) involved are covered by a two-year Audi warranty.
    Online service booking
    Servicing for all Audi models can now be booked online by visiting www.audi.co.uk and clicking on 'owners area'.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

利用 GPS 找車?!

在一個廣大的停車場中,要找到自己的車停在那裡,還真是一件麻煩的事情。BMW 最新推出的 "microNavigation" 系統,就絕對可以幫助大家。


BMW 最新推出的 microNavigation 系統可以讓用家利用車裡的 GPS 裝置在沒有 GPS 定位的地方使用類似 GPS 的功能。像當用家進入室內停車場時,就可以利用 GPS 進行定位。同時用家也可以按需要為特定接收不到 GPS 訊號的地方下載 microMaps。除了在車裡使用以外,用家還可以簡單設定將手提電話轉變成 microNavigation 裝置,方便用家找車。

當然,這還是一個非常初步的實驗回,但是 BMW 提供了非常不錯的追蹤紀錄,希望正式安裝到車上使用時,可以發揮應有的功用。



Monday, July 5, 2010

iPhone 4 鑽石版

iPhone 4 在全球刮起 iPhone 風,不過想自己的 iPhone 更配得上自己的身份地位,iPhone 鑽石版就可以考慮一下。


這一台 iPhone 是由 Stuart Hughes 打造,除了是純白色的 (應該是 32GB 版) 解鎖版以外,在外面更包上了不少碎鑽,讓你的 iPhone 更能配合有高上地位的你。價格?謝謝 $20,000 美元。



Thursday, July 1, 2010




被譽為第一部飛天汽車的「Terrafugia變形車」(Terrafugia Transition)雖然比最小的私人飛機稍重,但已獲得聯邦航管局(FAA)核准為輕型運動飛機,將可合法在公路上行駛及空中飛行。它將在通過撞擊試驗後,明年上市,售價預期為19萬4000美元(約台幣630萬元)。











Wednesday, June 30, 2010

圖片尺寸修改必備工具 Easy Image Modifier

要將相片上傳到一些討論區時,將相片縮小可以說是一個必需的步驟。要簡單快捷地將相片或其他圖片縮小到一個指定的大小時,Easy Image Modifier 就可以說是一個必備的工具。

軟件名稱:Easy Image Modifier



Easy Image Modifier 是一個非常簡單好用的免費軟件,無須安裝,可以讓用家輕鬆地將大量的圖檔、照片按照所需的尺寸做出修改。完成後,用家更可以按需要將圖檔自動命名為自己慣用的形式。


1. 下載檔案後,直接解壓執行【EasyImageModifier.exe】,就可以見到軟件畫面。



2. 點選【Settings → Language】更可以按需要調整操作介面的語言。


3. 直接用拖拉的方式,就可以將圖片拉到【Drop Here】的位置。軟件會顯示出需要處理圖片的數目。在【Edit】的位置,用家就可以按需要將相片旋轉或調整大小。


4. 在【Saving】的位置,用家可以按需要對完成轉檔的圖片重新命名。




5. 在【Destination】的位置設定檔案儲存位置,最後按下【Click here to start processing】就可以了。
